Motor Electric Spark Noise Analyses and Characterizations, sponsored by Buehler Motor Co., 07/01/00-06/30/01 by chow | Jun 30, 2001 | Completed
Engineering Research Equipment Fast Prototyping System for Motor Incipient Fault Detection, sponsored by National Science Foundation, 05/15/95-07/31/99 by chow | Jul 31, 1999 | Completed
A Neural/Fuzzy Approach for Motor Incipient Fault Detection, sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), 8/1/95-7/30/99 by chow | Jul 30, 1999 | Completed
Communication System Network Control Software Performance Modeling and Fault Detection, sponsored by Center for Advanced Computing and Communication (CACC), 7/1/98-6/30/99 by chow | Jun 30, 1999 | Completed
Network-Based Control with QoS Constraints, sponsored by Graduate Student Fellowship and ADAC, 1/1/99 by chow | Jan 1, 1999 | Completed