Basic research

iSpace – Intelligent Space at NC State
Large Scale Mechatronics System that integrates distributed sensors, actuators, computing processes and information technology over a virtually or physically connected space.
Grid Integration of Plug-in Electric Vehicle in Smart Grid
Within the next 5 years, there will be a significant increase in the number of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Since these vehicles utilize grid power for charging, this growth could pose potential threats and benefits...

Adaptive Battery Modeling and State Estimation
The recent acceleration of the battery technology, due to emergence of smart grid and electric vehicle (EV) applications, has increased the demand for advanced battery management systems (BMS). State of charge (SOC) and State of health (SOH) estimation are two of the...
Performance-Security Trade-off Modeling and Optimization on Networked Control System
Project Description: Since Networked Control Systems (NCS) are vulnerable to various network attacks when the network used is insecure, they need to be well protected by security mechanisms from the malicious attackers on the Internet, which may sacrifice its...

Time-sensitive Distributed Controls on FREEDM Systems
Compared with the conventional centralized control, distributed control can prevent single point of failure and ease heavy data exchange demand among controllers, thus distributed control are more suitable for large-scale systems. This project investigates the design...

Secure Distributed Control in Networked Control Systems
Project Description: While most Networked Control systems (NCS) have been safe in the past, they are increasingly more vulnerable to malicious cyber attacks and malwares (e.g. Stuxnet and Flame) with the rapid advancements and uses with networking, embedded systems,...
Small World Stratification for Power System Fault Diagnosis with Causality, 08/08 – 08/11
Small world stratification with causality aggregates both local spatial features (e.g., circuit connections, land use) and global logical features (e.g., strong wind is more likely to cause tree faults) from distributed information for effective and efficient power...
Graphic Display Interface for the AIS based Intelligent Transportation System, Summer 2010
About the Project This project aims at developing a Graphic Display Interface for the AIS based Intelligent Transportation System, which can run the Simulink module and display the result of the simulation graphically. Documentations Graphic Display Interface for the...
Closed-Loop Transportation Simulation, Summer 2010
About the Project The project aims to emulate common traffic scenarios on the road scenario using four Lego Mindstorms Robots.The algorithms implemented states of the robot,simulated in the simulink already, defining the robot behaviors.Each robots is assigned a...
Network Enabled Battery Health Monitoring and Management System, Summer 2010
About the Project This project aims at building online instruments that can transmit sampled voltage, load current and temperature of a PHEV Li-ion battery to laptop via ZigBee wireless network, and to Manicipal Parking Lot Charging Station via Internet....